- Location: Galerija
Based on almost 200 archaeological artefacts, most of which are on display for the first time to the general public, the exhibition provides an insight into life 3000 years ago in the area of Novo mesto, or settlement area of Marof and Šance. Only minor probing has been done at both sites in the past.
Not only life, but also the burial customs and beliefs of the people 3000 years ago are complemented by numerous and exceptional grave finds obtained from the protective excavations at Mestne njive and Kapiteljska njiva and the salvage operation during the construction of the former glassworks in Bršljin (now the Ursa factory).
The archaeological material is complemented by numerous cartoon reconstructions of depictions of life and funerary customs, as well as interpretations of selected rituals. The visitor is introduced to the latest research methods involving bone remains of the deceased from Late Bronze Age graves and a presentation of the results of such research.
The exhibition concludes by inviting the individual to reflect on his or her own transience in the modern world.