First Situlae Festival

On Saturday, June 18th, the Situlae Festival was held in Novo mesto for the first time, dedicated to these exceptional monuments that testify to the life of the Hallstatt residents of Novo mesto. The all-day event consisted of three interconnected parts. In the morning, a guided tour of the archaeological excavations at Kapiteljska njiva on Marof took place. In the afternoon festival continued on the Main Square, where crafts from the Hallstatt period were displayed. The central event of the festival was the arrival of the Princess and the Prince with an entourage, where visitors could saw in live how people in Hallstatt period dressed, what kind of equipment they had and they listened to mystical music from that time. All equipment was created on the basis of scientific findings and available resources. In the evening, the celebration moved to the Museum Gardens, where the prince took the townspeople from the Main Square in a procession. The program lasted until midnight, and included photographing with the prince, a demonstration of food preparation from the Hallstatt period, animation for children with an archeological sandbox and treasure hunt, and a free public tour of the archeological exhibition.

As more than 1000 visitors were enthusiastic about the event, next year (Situlae Festival is conceived as a traditional, annual event) we will add new, interesting content.


































































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